I was super excited to hear about a new store opening close to our kitchen, and to my home in the Clairemont/Bay Park area.
Stehly Farms have decided to branch out and showcase their amazing produce in a brick and mortar store!
There were amazing beets, insane tomatoes, peaches, nectarines, cauliflowers and all kind of other amazing produce.
This is particularly good news for my customers too, as we can incorporate the delicious fruits into our cakes. Their strawberries are amazing and have been a favorite as a filling in our vanilla cakes all summer!

There are also carefully curated products from other favorite artisans, gourmet salts, delicious jams, yummy popcorn, pasta and some really delicious cheeses. We've become addicted to the aged gouda with some addictive crackers!
The really fun news for us is that we're partnering to bring some of our products to the store! When we stopped by, they had our cherry bakewell tarts, but we looked at the current produce and wanted to make use of it, so this week we're bringing some plum crumbles and peach financiers featuring the Stehly organic fruits. I also sneaked in a favorite of mine, my grandma's millionaires shortbread, making it took me right back to my grandma's kitchen in the south of England! I hope you enjoy it too.
We'd love to hear about other treats you'd like to see in the store, or favorite products you've seen there.